Our Work


The Parish Council meets regularly to consider and deal with matters affecting Elmesthorpe Village. 
The Agenda for the next Parish Council Meeting is published at least three clear days before the meeting takes place. Please contact the Clerk on 07528 077240 or email clerk.elmesthorpe@hotmail.com if you would like further information.

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Thursday 6 March 2025 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, Wilkinson Lane, Elmesthorpe, LE9 7SP.

Dates of Meetings this year

The dates of future Parsh Council meetings will be published on this website. Council meetings normally start at 7.00pm unless directed otherwise and are held at the Village Hall, Wilkinson Lane, Elmesthorpe, LE9 7SP but this may change. Please check with the Clerk.  
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